All-Star Press Conference

It is my privilege to introduce Greenwood Elementary’s first round of “All-Star” picks for the 2015-2016 school year.  The three teachers we’re introducing in the four minute press conference video are just part of an amazing “draft class.”  More All-Star updates to come as we continue to sign some spectacular free agents who will join an inspiring team of teachers.  It’s going to be a great season!

Click the Picture to view Press Conference

Click the Pic to view Press Conference

To view the video click the image above or go to:

*Special thanks to Joe Sanfelippo and the #LeadWild Voxer group for the constant collaboration and ideas.  Our students deserve educators who are connected, constantly learning, and confronting the status quo; you push me to do this for them.    

About Dr. Brad Gustafson

I am an elementary principal and author in Minnesota. You can connect with me at or on Twitter via @GustafsonBrad

Posted on July 15, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Natalie Petersen

    Welcome to Greenwood ladies!! We’re happy to have you join the team! 🙂

  2. Great idea!!! I love how you always build excitement and push me to be better!

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