Mobile MakerSpaces in Action (Video)

The entire concept is really quite simple.  The Mobile MakerSpace carts that line the hallway leading into our Media Center are capable of transporting new opportunities and tools to virtually any space in our school.  Whether it’s high-tech 3D printing and modular robotics or low-tech knitting and plastic construction blocks…the carts contain tools that elicit collaboration and unleash student creativity.

When coupled with our amazing team of teachers the impact is quite profound. 

Click the Picture of our Mobile MakerSpace Fleet above to View Video.

Click the Picture of our Mobile MakerSpace Fleet above to View Video.

Our teachers continue to integrate collaboration, creativity, and ‘making’ into the student learning experience in a variety of ways.  In addition to our Mobile MakerSpace Fleet, new instructional approaches like Genius Hour, flipped instruction, connected learning, and math workshop contribute to a relevant pedagogy.  Best practices in literacy instruction, assessment, and classroom discussions further contribute to meaningful learning experiences.  Staff are engaged in a variety of passions that contribute to a culture of learning and innovative school ethos.

The time, energy, and learning that our team invests into reinventing themselves for kids each year is nothing short of inspiring.

Student-led Professional Development using our Sphero Mobile MakerSpace cart.

Student-led Professional Development using our Sphero Mobile MakerSpace cart.

We continue to expand upon student opportunities based on input from our students and staff.  This year we’re adding another five or six carts that students will have access to.  Be sure to watch the short video in this blog post to see how our Mobile MakerSpaces work.

Finally, stay tuned for a unique opportunity for YOUR students to design and propose our next Mobile MakerSpace cart!  It’s going to be AWESOME!

About Dr. Brad Gustafson

I am an elementary principal and author in Minnesota. You can connect with me at or on Twitter via @GustafsonBrad

Posted on August 26, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. I am a teacher in Australia and I was wondering about the logistics around keeping the spaces stocked, neat, useable for each class. What if students want to keep what they made?

    • Hi Brenda, You raise some great questions. Students and staff do a fantastic job keeping the learning/creation supplies organized. We restock (i.e. batteries, yarn, conducive ink, etc.) as needed and order a larger supply during the summer to prepare for the upcoming year. Students are able to keep creations as appropriate, and sometimes digital curation is needed because we do not send home the LEGOs or Sphero robotic droids with kids. The pictures and videos of digital products has been inspiring for me to follow on our hashtag #GWgreats on Twitter as well. Take care, Brad

  2. So inspiring! I would love more info on where you found those carts!

  3. Hi Love your mobile makerspace!! Where did you get those carts!!!

  4. Could you recommend resources for projects for the mobile maker space?

    • Hi Sylvia, I’d suggest a couple different approaches. First, be sure to read Laura Fleming’s book, “World’s of Making.” That will provide all the inspiration you need. 🙂 As far as a resource to get started right away…nothing beats student creativity, cardboard, duck tape, and markers. Throw in a marble or some string for good measure and kids will engineer their way through the day. Most kids really just need to time, opportunity, and support from a talented teacher to “make” in school…the tools are secondary. ~Brad

  5. Courtney Graffius

    I also am curious about where you found the carts as well as why you decided on these ones for your mobile MakerSpace. I am designing a Mobile MakerSpace for students in grades K-2. I’ve been considering a wire utility cart such as this one: Any insight into your decision would be appreciated!

    • Hi Courtney, I think a wire utility cart could work well for you and your students. I’ve also thought about transforming old overhead projector carts. (e.g. Applying a coat of white paint and encouraging kids to doodle in mazes, cartoons, or other inspiring quotes with permanent markers.) I don’t think there is a wrong way to do this as long as you keep it student-centered, empower creativity/exploration, and collaborate with different stakeholders along the way. Have fun and good luck! Brad

  1. Pingback: Mobile MakerSpaces in Action (Video) – Adjusting Course #makered | Flexibility Enables Learning

  2. Pingback: Kindergarten Engineers (Video) | Adjusting Course

  3. Pingback: FabLab med Fritidslärarstudenter | Vinnerish

  4. Pingback: Can MakerSpaces Invent the Future? (Video) | Adjusting Course

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