Join the Conversation


You’re invited to join an interactive Twitter chat about innovation in our schools.  Mark your calendar for October 21st at 7:00pm CST.  Ben Gilpin, Dr. Kaylen Tucker, and I will be co-moderating a National Conversation about Innovation.  We want to hear your innovation “Dos & Don’ts”!

As a precursor to the chat, check out the NAESP Principal Magazine article titled, “Leadership for Tomorrow” by clicking HERE.  The article features innovative insights from respected educators across the country including Rafranz Davis, Dr. Joe Mazza, Jennie Magiera, and Sarah Thomas.

If you’ve never participated in a Twitter chat feel free to reach out for support.  We will tweet out a question every five minutes to the hashtags #CE15 and #NAESP.  Chat participants can respond to the questions and interact with one another.  Be sure to include the hashtags in your tweets as well!

For a sneak preview of the chat questions check out the flyer above.  We’re looking forward to connecting!

About Dr. Brad Gustafson

I am an elementary principal and author in Minnesota. You can connect with me at or on Twitter via @GustafsonBrad

Posted on October 16, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Hello Dr. Gustafson,

    I like what the school is doing to encourage and cultivate creativity and innovation, but at the same time I worry that the children are getting so much distractions from their foundational learning. Due to their immaturity, children are not skilled yet to manage their focus. They may not be able to make the connections between all these different activities. I especially have a concern on using social medias, particular twitter. I know some parents do not want their children to expose to these social medias too early. Considering those inappropriate uses of social medias, such as bullying! I hope my worries are unnecessary.

    Thank you for allowing parents to post their comments.


    • Dear Tony, I really value your questions and approach. I wanted to take a deeper look at your questions, so I responded in the following blog post:

      If you’d like to connect directly please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you again for your engagement. Kind regards, Brad

    • Tony,

      I understand your concern about using social media with students, especially when they are at a young age. There is great potential for bullying online and most of the headlines that involve social media are horrible. Kids can use it inappropriately and sometimes viciously. With that said, I believe we have a responsibility to teach students and model appropriate behavior for the world they will be stepping into, and social media will most definitely be a part of their lives. We can compare it to driving a car. For years students are passengers in cars and they watch their parents obey traffic signals, stick to the speed limit, wear their seat-belts and many other behaviors. They are able to observe for years how their parents drive responsibly, and see other cars that may or may not make such wise decisions. When it comes to social media, I think we need to model this type of responsible behavior and show students how to use it properly, just like with driving. I do not believe giving a student a Twitter account saying “Good Luck” is appropriate, but we need to provide them with opportunities to witness how things like Twitter can be used in a positive way. This way when they are old enough we can feel confident in the fact that they have had positive role models and many examples for how to use social media correctly.

  1. Pingback: Dear Tony | Adjusting Course

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